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Before School Club

We are pleased that we are now able to offer ‘Before School Club’ for children in Reception – Y6.

This will run from 7:45am – 8:45am. There will be a limited number of places available, and parents/carers must book their child’s place in advance.

‘Before School Club’ is intended as wraparound care to support working parents / carers. It is not a ‘social drop in’ for children who want to arrive at school early.

Places will be allocated on a strictly first-come-first-served basis. Places at ‘Before School Club’ can only be booked on ParentApp, and we ask that parents / carers only book places on days when they need wraparound childcare.

There will be a specific activity each day (e.g. jewellery making, yoga, crafts, games, reading, computing).

Please note: all children will continue to receive a piece of toast or a bagel when they arrive at school before.

We hope that ‘Before School Club’ will provide additional support for working parents/carers.